What are plumbers works and what do they face everyday

plumbers insurance

The plumbers work for everyone and they work even involves few hazards which are dangerous to them, there are varied type of hazards which can affect them, there are:

Hazard due to substances which are harmful:

  • While doing plumbing works they may be exposed to few chemicals and Powders and these are : Pb, SO2, asbestos , silica powder, few solvents substances and few solder dusts, mercury, and many more substances which affect the environment and people health too.
  • Sometimes plumbers should be no near and work near too flammable things if any mishap happens plumber should face the fire and plumber may burn to death.
  • There are few infections which are caused by birds like histoplasmosis, and many other viruses and skin infection and lung infections and many more which are causes to the plumbers keeping all these in mind plumbers should must take plumbing insurance.
  • They work in different postures due to which sometimes they may face musculoskeletal problems which will eventually affect their lifestyle.
  • Plumbers’ eyes may get hurt and sometimes vision may be lost due to heavy metals and powders may enter into the eyes of plumbers and irritate them so plumbinginsurance may give them medical insurance.
  • Plumbers work mostly in water environments and in the water they may slip and fall and major accidents may occur and even death occurs in bad conditions.
  • Plumbers should face high grade burns sometimes because they work near boilers and heaters and if they don’t work properly they may burst out and plumbers may face different degrees of Burns.
  • Plumbers work using ladders sometimes to reach certain heights, sometimes the ladder may fall and cause injuries to the plumber.
  • Plumbing involves noises and continuous noisy environments may lead them to lose their power of hearing and may land up in the hearing loss category.