Learn about the stock market and start trading


Stock market trading is the best way to save money and make sure that your money is in the right hands. Be it for the short-term or long-term, efficient use of the stock market will provide equal returns and double the income. Online trading is done by many people today and it is extremely easy when you want to deal with shares.

Before starting to invest in the online market or shares, and the stock market, it is necessary to know the basics of all the topics so that you know how exactly it works. Without knowing the basics, your money will be at stake and eventually end up losing it for nothing. If you are thinking about where to start your market trading, zigz.io is the best place for you.

What is the site about?

Zigz.io is an informational and educational site that delivers all the basic information related to stock markets and the performance of various indices every day to make people understand the risks involved. Although this is a better option to save and earn equally, there are many kinds of risks involved that have to be understood by the people.

What are the benefits?

  • Earn dividends.
  • Helps people to cut down on costs.
  • Have good control of the process.
  • Get real-time updates.
  • Helps people to set their own investment limits.

What products are available?

On the website, people can check the performance through the following dashboards;

  • GEX Dashboard.
  • Skew Dashboard.
  • Max Pain Dashboard.
  • Dark Pool Dashboard.

As known already, people can get to understand and compare the differences between S&P 500, DOW 30, NASDAQ 100, and Russell 2000 on the website. Basically, the Russell 2000 index is comprised of 2000 small-cap companies. It is a tool known as small-cap just like how S&P 500 is known as the large-cap. With the help of all the information made available, people can definitely start their trading process with a small amount and then eventually become an expert.