How My Awful Truck is the Best Vehicle I’ve Ever Owned

ekspedisi Jakarta Medan

Many people have a vehicle in their past that they passionately hold as the greatest automobile they’ve ever owned. Great mileage, dependability, style, comfort, safety, and performance are all commonly cited when people mention their favorite. Those characteristics can contribute to a great vehicle. Combine every one of them and you’ve got a stud ride. ekspedisi cargo

My favorite vehicle that I’ve ever owned gets 19 miles per gallon on a good day. It has been incredibly undependable. So much so in the last two years I’ve had to replace the transmission, engine, starter, alternator, flywheel, and the wiring still needs replaced. When it comes to comfort the bench seat leaves much to be desired. God forbid I ever do get into an accident I have 2 out of a possible 5 star safety rating protecting me. When it comes to performance the mediocrity of my vehicle continues with a feeble 134 horsepower propelling me down the road.

So by now I’m sure you wondering what the vehicle is, and why in god’s name do I love it so much. It is my 1997 Nissan Hardbody Pickup. The reason I love it so much is because of the man who owned it before me.

The greatest man I ever knew was my grandfather Joe. To describe him would be an article itself, but suffice it to say he was a caring, hardworking, selfless, and kind man. For almost his entire adult life Joe was firmly focused on providing for his family. To him part of that sacrifice entailed always driving used cars. At the tender age of 62 it was finally time for him to pick out his first new vehicle. The hard worker he was he picked the truck so he could use it to work around the house.

I remember how he treated that truck like his baby. He was so proud that he finally had a new vehicle to call his own. A person as great as him should get to enjoy that feeling. He died a few years after he finally got his new truck. My grandma decided to give his truck to me. Every time I get in the truck I am filled with great memories of a great man. I feel close to him again. That’s a feeling I wouldn’t give away for all the mileage, dependability, comfort, safety, or performance in the world. It’s why the Nissan is the greatest vehicle i’ll ever own, and It’s the reason I’ll own the truck until the day I die.