Best practices for maintaining a clean workplace

commercial cleaning services singapore

Reasonable ways to ensure excessive cleanliness in the workplace.If you are a manager or responsible for Class A, B, or C facilities in Singapore, you have probably already hired a cleaning company. Companies and facilities must have a strict maintenance and repair regime.

The question is whether you are getting the level of maintenance you expect. If not, is there a process to ensure that high quality requirements are met?

The truth is that managers and workplace leaders themselves are often unaware of the requirements they should receive from cleaning companies. Without a set of indicators and processes in place, it can be difficult to respond.

That’s why we’ve put together this article on best practices for workplace cleaning, along with an infographic with useful information to quickly reference in the Singapore context. This will help you choose the right commercial cleaning services for your organization.

Evaluate performance

You can close the loop on recommendations by tracking performance indicators and frequently evaluating service providers.

This scorecard is primarily tailored to the needs of a particular facility. A general evaluation meeting should be held to discuss the results.

Incentive system

If the cleanroom achieves better performance than expected, some form of incentive system should be adopted as an incentive. Financial and non-financial incentives can help service providers exceed expectations.

However, the National Energy Board must meet certain requirements for a license to be issued. If you are submitting a new utility application, you must meet the following requirements

  • One worker (at a minimum) who has at least two years of experience in cleaning management; or
  • One worker (at a minimum) must have completed environmental cleaning (EC) training. This may be a Singapore Workforce {qualifications} based training module or (WSQ).
  • Workers must (at a minimum) take and complete the Technical Competency and Capability (TCC) coaching component. This can be found in the environmental service provider competency framework.

In addition, you must ensure that your organization’s staff has completed at least one module of the WSQ Framework for Environmental Remediation. This may be a requirement of the State Environmental Agency. You must also submit a progressive compensation plan indicating which employees will work for you in order to be approved.