What would you ask the knee replacement specialist?

Sholder pain

To get rid of knee pain problems, total knee replacement surgery is performed by the best knee replacement surgeon in India. This helps them lead a completely normal life after the procedure.

Q – When is it necessary to perform a knee replacement?

The need for this surgery arises when a person has osteoporosis, an injury or prolonged pain in the knees. Those who suffer from impaired movements due to knee problems undergo knee replacement surgery, for those who suffer from the above mentioned problems, it is recommended to consult the best knee replacement surgeon in India as soon as possible.

Q – What exactly is a total knee replacement?

Knee replacement singapore is a surgical procedure in which surgeons remove the injured or damaged part of the knee with a metal or plastic prosthesis. In total joint replacement surgery, the knee is completely replaced.

Q – How does knee replacement surgery help?

The knees are an important part of the body as they allow flexibility in the lower limb and therefore help in movements. In total joint replacement surgery, the upper end of the femur is removed and the end of the femur is replaced with a metal stem and a plastic piece. The laces that hold the lower leg are also replaced by polyethylene. Therefore, all this prosthesis replaces the knee and helps with movements.

Q – What are the typical benefits of surgery?

The surgery relieves the patient of any type of pain and facilitates movement. Therefore, it helps to live a better lifestyle.

Q – What kind of care is required before and after surgery?

Before surgery, antibiotics are given to avoid any kind of risk, if applicable. After the operation, physical therapy is necessary to maintain the mobility of the new joint. Patients are asked to walk with the help of a walker or crutches initially until it is time to be ready to walk on their own.