Top myths about wisdom tooth you should know

Top myths about wisdom tooth

Third molars usually appear around the age of 18, when it is assumed that the person has reached a certain maturity. That is why they are called wisdom teeth. But what we think we know about them does not always fit reality. Specialists clarify the most widespread myths about wisdom teeth. Click here for singapore dental wisdom tooth extraction.

The common myths about wisdom tooth

Operate before thirty

Awidespread belief is that the ideal is to operate on the wisdom teeth before turning thirty. However this is not entirely true.

There is no clear pattern; it can depend on many circumstances, such as the molar position, the dental nerve or the adjacent teeth. Although it is true that there are usually more difficulties among those over 25 years. Visit this site for singapore dental wisdom tooth extraction.

dental wisdom tooth extraction

Can displace other teeth

It is also often believed that wisdom teeth can displace the rest of the teeth to the point of changing the structure of the entire denture. In this sense, they can influence, but it is not decisive.


Another myth rooted in the wisdom teeth is that they are useless. However, specialists clarify that they can fulfill their function like any tooth, as long as they are well placed and can have contact with another molar.

Most have four, but not always

Wisdom teeth grow at the end of the gums and are the last teeth to emerge. Most people have four, one in each corner, but it is not always the case. They usually leave when they are around 20 years old, that is, at the end of the second decade of life or at the beginning of the third. By then, the other 28 adult teeth are usually already in place, so there is not always enough space for wisdom teeth to grow properly,